Ten Things I Learned Today
1. I am currently addicted to Diet Root Beer.
2. I don't need another black top but I bought another black top because it had a silver butterfly pin that was worth the price of the black top alone.
3. I cannot go to the mall without seeing a minimum of 4.5 former students and at least one co-worker. Every time.
4. You can tell which crowd just let out of the Star Wars movie.
5. A half of a grilled cheese and no breakfast + 105 degree heat and 4 hours of shopping = low blood sugar.
6. 75% off of ugly is still 25% ugly.
7. Lay's Potato Chips are my crack.
8. I don't need another pair of black shoes but I bought them because I have a couple of skirts that NEED these black shoes.
9. My husband is a lousy gift giver.
10. I adore and love him anyway and could care less that he can't pick out a gift for me to save his life because he is the most caring, loving, generous, sweet, handsome, kissable man in the world.
I laughed... it was good. And, i just have to ask, what did Dad try and get you?
Yes, I am a teacher and it disturbs me greatly that you don't have any favorite books. Get thee to a library, young lady! :)
Dear Sweet Pea,
We were enjoying a trip down memory lane on the way to the mall this morning about our 10th anniversary (when your dad tried to buy me a ring.) It all began when Little Lottie's ipod was acting weird and I said it's your battery and dad said she needs to sumbit for that free battery and I said your ipod is great, isn't it? and he said yes, you give great gifts and I am sorry I am not a good gift giver and I said I agree and he said so I am not a good gift giver and I said yes, all hope was lost when you threw my 10th anniversary ring at me over the table in his uncle's house and I thought it was the heart shaped diamond and I know this is a run on sentence and I've always wanted to write one because it's naughty for a teacher to do so so there. :)
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