How rude...
So I call Sweet Pea last night and I am all like "hi" and she is all like "HI!" and I am all like "what's up?" And she is all like" We are going to Paris for our honeymoon!!!" and I am all like PMSing and jealous that she is taking her husband to Paris and Sparky said I have every right to be jealous of her choosing to take her husband to Paris on her honeymoon instead of her mother and I am like "THAT is why we have been married for 26.5 years."
I love that man.
And I still love Sweet Pea. And the man who stole my daughter. And she BETTER bring me back a copy of Madeline in FRENCH.
You know, it would cost you two like $200 total to fly to London thanks to my job. And the madeline thing is firmly engraved in my brain... and this time I will go up the eiffel tower. ;-) Love you!
Dear Sweet Pea,
I adore you! But you already knew that. Yeah, Daddy and I need to get our butts in gear and fly to Europe before you start having my grandbabies! :)
And I also heard you should make sure to go to the VERY TOP of the tower, not just the other levels. I think she said it was glassed in. Take tons of pics! And of course you know I am teasing about being jealous. I love you!!!!!! I am soooo happy that you are sooooo happy! :)
And Little Lottie is ROYALLY mad that you didn't comment on her blog!! :) Hehe..... Just a heads up - since she is your maid of honor and technically could start something during the part where they say "Is there any reason why these two should not be married?" and Lauren chimes in with, "YES, BECAUSE MY SISTER DIDN'T READ MY BLOG."
Now we are ALL gonna laugh at that part and Fiance won't know why we are giggling!!! bahahahahaha!
We don't have that part in the wedding. so, ha!
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