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Mum likes reading, decorating, shopping with the girls, and Starbucks. She also feels funny writing in the 3rd person. Papa (also known as Sparky) is currently looking at me with a blank stare having asked him to add something about himself to the blog. (Now he wants to say something) The only thing he loves more in life than music and Coke is his wife and kids. (Awww...) :) Little Lotte is a genius on the computer and makes me fall over laughing every day with her quick wit. She loves computers and animals. Sweet Pea abandoned her family and moved to Phoenix for work and is now married as of 2/28/06. She is beautiful and smart and the most nurturing person I know. She gave me the greatest gift ever when she made me a grandmother. I am the proud Mum Mum to Andrew Christopher. There are no words to describe the joy of having a grandson!

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Margie Needs...

Once again, the picture has nothing to do with the entry. It's just a lovely picture I took in Pa.
Now HERE is some fun...

Google your name + needs. Here are the first ten entries for my name:

1. Margie Needs Baccarat Explained (true)


3. Margie needs to remember that to get rid of the fearful temper. (HOW PROPHETIC!!!)

4. Margie needs information for the newsletter

5. Margie needs anything (haha)

6. Margie needs update

7. Margie needs to have her time and support, too

8. Margie needs lots of our prayers.

9. Margie needs donations for a van to give her some freedom to get outside. (cracking up!)

10. Margie needs 2nd signature

This wasn't a top ten but it's my favorite, even if they can't spell!!!!

My favorite: "Margie needs a drink of pure Hershies Chocklate!!!"


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