Drama Queen
A few minutes later, I began to feel woozy. I think I said, "I feel dizzy." so the Dr. laid me down and not liking the color of my pale face, lifted both my legs to get blood back in my head. Eventually, they let me leave the torture chamber and I returned to my home and the comfort of my new couch. Through all of this, I should mention that Sparky was a real gem. He set me up with diet rootbeer, french fries, and ice a plenty. He gave me lots of kisses and then the remote. It was a nice, relaxing afternoon.
It doesn't end there... my arm hurts WAY MORE than my ankle, knee, or elbow. I am never, ever, ever getting a tetnus shot again. I will lie like a dog and have a date in mind, ready, for when they ask. It hurt so much last night that I took the pain medicine intended for my ankle, to take the edge off the pain in my arm. I was out by 8 p.m.
I took a picture of the ankle but uploaded it under Lauren's name. IF I get around to it, I 'll post it.
And how is your week going?