Dedication and Incredible Storm...
This evening we celebrated my current school's dedication. We had a picnic planned and luckily, the heaven's waited to open up until we were all safely in the MPR for the ceremony. It was rather comical though because as they were introducing the design team and the architect and the builders of the school, there were 5 teachers walking down the sides with buckets and various mops. Our school floods like crazy when it rains. Something is not right when a brand new school leaks not only in the ceiling but through walls and windows!!!
It dried up long enough for us to get home. And then the hail hit! And lightning galore. I got a couple of shots.... not as good as in years past but for my little camera, not bad. I didn't have a tripod -- I just go out and shoot. And of course, I had to add a picture of Andrew just because he is CUTE!!!!!!!
This is at 9pm......
This is also at 9 pm!!!