Every year in November, I take a day off of work to get "delicate female matters" taken care of by the imaging center and my Dr. It's my Christmas present to myself. Today was that day. I was poked and prodded so much I feel like the Dr. should have given me some money as payment when I left. Good lord. Not to mention that he wants to see me 40 pounds lighter next Nov. WHAT?! But... but... Crap. I am officially old. Big sigh...
Here is something light hearted :
1. Hot Chocolate or apple cider? Hot Chocolate
2. Turkey or Ham? Turkey (actually, I would rather just have the stuffing.
3. Do you get a Fake or Real Christmas tree? Fake...we live in Az. Having a real tree would be like putting a giant match stick in the living room. Can't wait to move back east and have a REAL TREE again!!!
4. Decorations on the outside of your house? Yes... they change according to my mood when I put them up. If it's ungodly hot ( LIKE IT IS EVERY FREAKIN YEAR) then there aren't as many lights.
5. Snowball fights or sledding? Is there a REASON I live in Arizona?!?! This is just making me depressed!!!!
6. Do you like hanging around the fireplace because it's warm? Banging head on the keyboard. I WISH we had a fireplace but I can barely stand to light the oven in December because it's SO FREAKIN HOT!!!
7. Do you enjoy going downtown shopping? Not downtown but I love shopping! Sparky calls me a Crate and Barrel Whore. (In a nice way)
8. Favorite Christmas song? Oh Come, Immanuel, lots of others, can't remember them right now because I AM DEHYDRATED BECAUSE IT'S SO FREAKING HOT HERE!!!
9. How do you feel about Christmas movies? Christmas is NOT Christmas without the annual viewing of National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation!!!
10.When is it OK to start listening to Christmas music? Thanksgiving Day!
11. Stockings before or after presents? You get ONE stocking stuffer on Christmas Eve. Christmas Morning, stockings are opened and then the presents. Stockings are a VERY big deal in our house! (Sparky, don't even go there! Love you!)
12. Carolers, do you or do you not watch and listen to them? We don's see Carolers here. (CAUSE IT'S TOO (SAY IT WITH ME!!!) FREAKIN HOT!!!!
13. Go to someone else's house or they come to you? Hmm.... it's at my house but last year we had to go to Sweet Pea and Mr. Sweet Pea's house cause he had to work. We were there on Christmas Eve and then back home on Christmas Day. It was tough, to say the least. The first Christmas without Sweet Pea. (Excuse me while I get a tissue)
14. Do you read the Christmas Story? We read 'Twas the Night Before Christmas on Christmas Eve. I have a very extensive collection of that poem (book).
15. What do you do after presents? Make breakfast! With bacon! ( We usually eat bacon only on special occassions)
16. What is your favorite holiday smell? Bayberry Candles or cinnamon candles.
17. Ice skating or walking around the mall? Ice skating? Are you kidding me?!?! IT'S TOO FREA...
18. Favorite Christmas memory? AS a child - that would be the year I got my Suzie Homemaker Grill. As an adult, we were newly married and it started snowing on Christmas Eve. We looked out the window. It was sparkling in the street lights. No one had been outside yet to put any footprints in the beautiful blanket of snow. It was sooooo quiet. Suddenly we heard a distant "HO! HO! HO!" And Sparky and I just looked at each other. It was magic. WE totally believe in Santa Claus because of that magical moment.
19. Favorite Part about winter? It only gets up to 80 degrees instead of one hundred freakin' fifteen.
20. Favorite Christmas decor? Fresh branches of evergreens.
21. Lights...colored or clear? Clear. As a child, I loved the old fashioned blubs thought.
22. What is the best Christmas gift you ever received? As a child, my Suzie Homemaker Grill (can we say food obsession?) and as an adult - my favorite present is when I can truly surprise my family members with THE perfect gift!!!
23. What is your favorite Christmas tradition in your family? Gosh, we have soooo many!!!! Girls? Sparky? What are your favorites? Then I will list mine!
Your Turn!